3 Steps to achieving “Skin Confidence”

Have you ever wanted to turn heads and receive countless compliments on your skin?

Mid sentence someone interrupts and asks where do you get your foundation from, your skin is flawless? In your head you’re thinking, “ I’m not wearing any makeup!” There’s a difference between having confidence and having a take me as I am attitude. I’m going to step over the line and say the “take me as I am” might be more settled in not changing. Having confidence means the belief in the powers that brought you to this point. You put the work in and you feel good about yourself, you feel good about your achievements and your goals.

So what in the world is Skin Confidence? Is this another term you have to get familiar with? Yes and no. Skin Confidence is the ability to show up in your best skin and feel proud to show it (bare!). Kinda like putting your “best face” forward. I would challenge you to get more familiar with the “feeling” of showing up confidently and feeling proud of your skin rather than focusing on the actual word. But, when you hear the word, I want that inner glow to awaken inside of you and it puts a smile across your face because you’re Skin Confident.

I’m sure you’re ready to feel skin confidence. Here’s 3 ways you can start right now to achieve Skin Confidence.

  1. Use the proper products for your skin type, skin condition, and skin goals. Have the awareness to give your skin more of what it needs and know when something isn’t working and make the choice to get rid of it. When you are looking to achieve results in your appearance, it’s key to understand your needs and confidently address them.

  2. Visualize how do you want your skin to look and feel. It’s easy to point out flaws with your appearance. I want you to take your power back, focus on what you want and take the steps to get closer to your skin care goals.

  3. Commitment to receiving one on one skin care with a professional to help you achieve your skin goals. It’s an opportunity to achieve the skin you’ve always wanted.

Bonus Tip: There’s no such thing as perfect skin. Be gentle with yourself and have an attitude of gratitude.

Now that I have shared with you some ways to achieve Skin Confidence, I want you to commit to at least one way to become Skin Confident.


The Proven Way to Get Glowing Skin at Home


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